リモートロックとセルフチェックインのご説明 Explanation of remote lock and self check-in

Our guesthouse has a self-check-in system and can be rented exclusively for your group.
Please register the information of all guests in the online register that will be provided to you after booking, by the day before your stay. If you live overseas, you will also need to upload the passports of all guests.
After verifying the information required by law, you will be notified of the entrance PIN code for entry.
The guest house is on the 3rd floor of a building called “Arte-kan” in the middle of the shopping street. There is an elevator at the back of the building, so go up to the 3rd floor, get off, and it’s immediately on the right.

The entrance is remotely locked, and during your stay you will enter and exit using a individually set PIN number that will be provided to you in advance.

The lighting and air conditioner switches in the living room are located on the wall to the right of the reception counter. Each room has its own switch.