興福寺と東大寺 Neighborhood Information: Kofuku-ji Temple and Todai-ji Temple


Let’s go see the expressions of the Buddha statues at Kofuku-ji and Todai-ji that you won’t believe they were in the distant past! When you leave the guest house and go to the right, you will be in the precincts of Kofuku-ji after crossing the shopping street.

興福寺「阿修羅像」収蔵されている国宝館などは拝観料が必要です。An admission fee is required for the National Treasure Museum, which houses the Kofuku-ji Temple Ashura Statue.(詳しくはコチラClick here for details)


Kofuku-ji Temple was built by Fujiwara no Fuhito in 710, the year the capital was moved to Heijo, on the ground overlooking Heijokyo to the west. After that, it prospered as a temple of the Fujiwara clan, and in the Middle Ages, it was a temple, but as a shugoshoku, it had power enough to seize the whole Yamato country. Therefore, it was targeted by powerful people like the Taira clan, and although it was burned down many times and the main building disappeared, these precious Buddha statues miraculously escaped the disaster.


This sorrowful gaze of the famous Ashura statue. Some say it’s an enigmatic expression, comparable to the Mona Lisa’s smile in the West. Anyway, it is surprising that such a facial expression was created 1300 years ago. In the latter half of the Heian period, Pure Land Buddhism became popular, and only Amida Buddha came to be created. However, the Nara period was a very global era in which Buddhism adopted a wide variety of gods from India and created many forms.


The roots of Ashura go back to ancient India and Iran, and asura, which appears in Indian mythology, was a generic term for powerful gods famous for fighting against gods such as the hero god Indra. In addition, the Persian Aphra, which corresponds to the asura, was the supreme god of Zoroastrianism, but over time, the asura strengthened its character as a demon. However, after it was incorporated into Buddhism, it became one of the Hachibushu along with other pagan gods as a guardian deity that protects Buddhism.


It is believed that the Buddhist statues of Kofuku-ji Temple are sculpted in line with a scene from a sutra, invoking a sense of repentance. Not only Asura, but also Gobujo (heaven) and Sakara (equivalent to dragon) are the image of puberty, looking at the inside of themselves with the appearance of a sad-faced boy. The sculptor may have thought that in order to express the spirit of repentance, the Hachibushu, who were originally demons, needed to be human. It is said that the young boy’s design also reflects the mourning of the son of Emperor Shomu and Empress Komyo, who passed away at an early age.


The West Golden Hall, where many of these Buddha statues are housed, was built by Empress Komyo in memory of her late mother, Michiyo Tachibana, who was deeply devoted to Buddhism. Therefore, the Buddha statues that mourn with them must have been suitable for that purpose. In particular, the statue of Ashura, which seems to be crying, draws out the depths of one’s heart while worshiping. It may be the impression of the Ashura statue and the depth of its interiority that make us imagine various things.

東大寺はもちろん大仏様ですが、それだけでもありません。他にも面白い貴重な仏像たちがいるのです。(拝観料は大仏殿や法華堂でそれぞれに必要です。Todaiji Temple is of course the Great Buddha, but that’s not all. There are other interesting and valuable Buddha statues. (Admission fees are required for both the Great Buddha Hall and Hokke-do Hall.コチラをご覧ください。Please see here.)

戒壇院「四天王立像」Kaidan-in “Statues of the Four Heavenly Kings”


Look at the facial expressions of the Four Heavenly Kings here. Jikokuten and Zochoten, who are guarding the front with their weapons, are wide-eyed, while Komokuten and Tamonten are in the background. I have a bitter expression that I can not say anything. There are celebrities with faces like this. The four heavenly kings were originally gods of Indian origin, and since they protected the north, south, east, and west of Mt.

法華堂(三月堂)「不空羂索観音立像」Hokke-do (Sangatsu-do) “Fukaku Kannon Statue”


Many large Buddha statues stand in a dimly lit hall, and 16 Buddha statues, including 12 national treasures from the Tenpyo period, are crowded together. Starting with the principal deity, Fukukensaku Kannon, the statues of Bonten, Taishakuten, Agata and Ungyo Kongo Rikishi, and the Four Heavenly Kings are all over 3 meters tall. It is said in the sutras that Kannon Bodhisattva transforms into various forms according to the person seeking salvation and comes to the rescue. If there are many faces and many hands, you may feel uncomfortable. However, although it has nothing to do with Buddha statues, if you try to express people with various faces with one body like the masterpiece Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, it will be like this, and it makes sense.


Fukaku Kannon is one of them, and is a reliable Kannon who saves people without exception, just like scooping up fish and animals with nets and ropes.


Standing to the left and right are Brahman, the deity of Brahman, who represents the laws of the universe, and Indra, the center of the gods in ancient Indian mythology. It is made with a technique called deactivating dry lacquer. Each of them has a legend transmitted from India, and based on that story, he imagined and created various statues.

東大寺法華堂 執金剛神像

四月堂「千手観音立像」Shigetsudo “Thousand Armed Kannon Statue”


Even the wooden Kannon carved in the Heian period generally has 42 hands instead of 1,000, and each arm is solid and thick. . The expression on her plump face is also full of brightness. Do you feel that she is encouraging you to do your best? A lot of hands made means that you are trying to save more people. Let’s never think like a snake and feel bad. It was created with the utmost effort from the people of the time.

他にもこんなに個性的な像があります!There are other unique images like this!

東大寺 良弁僧正像
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